Caused by: /var/keys/zk-kafka-client-jaas.conf (No such file or directory)
On certain systems (e.g. Ubuntu), when running the initializr project in exploded mode, you may receive error messages when trying to run the Flex Package applications indicating that it cannot find files in the the "/var/keys/..." directory.
Caused by: /var/keys/zk-kafka-client-jaas.conf (No such file or directory) at java.base/$Spi.ioException( ~[na:na] at
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: /var/keys/https-keystore.jks (No such file or directory) at ~[tomcat-embed-core-9.0.78.jar:9.0.78] at
These files are actually present in the generated "security" folder in the root folder of your project.
However, there's currently a limitation where this "security" folder may not be properly mapped and mounted to the config server that is running via docker-compose.
This has typically ocurred if you are trying to run your project in a directory that has a space or special characters in the path. e.g. `~/Broadleaf Projects/initializr`
Instead, try moving your project into a different directory or path that does not have spaces or special characters (e.g. `~/Desktop/initializr`) and try again
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